This June, Liberate Abortion is organizing a caravan through Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi to fight back and fight forward to ensure abortion justice for everyone. Register here for updates and ways to get involved in Texas and Mississippi.

Abortion is under attack. The leaked opinion memo has confirmed what we already knew: The conservative members of the Supreme Court are planning to overturn Roe. While abortion is currently still legal, there has never been a more important moment for everyone to join together to ensure it stays that way.

That is why Liberate Abortion is organizing a caravan through the fifth circuit from June 14-17 to raise awareness about the abortion crisis in this country. The caravan will start in Austin, Texas and end with a rally in Jackson, Mississippi on June 17th. There will be events and actions all along the way, as well as ways to engage from afar.

  • Austin, TX: June 14th at 9:00am, Location: Supreme Court

  • Houston, TX: June 15th at 5:00pm, Location: Peggy Park

  • Jackson, MS: June 17th at 12:00pm, Location: Smith Park

Register here for updates and ways to get involved.

For more actions across the country, sign up for updates from the Liberate Abortion campaign.